Mandy's Musings

Ramblings of romance author Madeline Baker/Amanda Ashley

Friday, September 16, 2011

Good news

So, I'm thrilled to tell you that BOUND BY NIGHT was #33 on the New York Times list and #128 on the USA Today bestseller list. Considering the lists cover all books, not just romances, that ain't bad. I'm hoping BOUND BY BLOOD will do as well.

My anthology, TALES OF WESTERN ROMANCE, is now available in both print and eBook
on CreateSpace and Amazon. It contains 5 of my short stories, previously only available as eBooks. Never let it be said I don't listen to my fans - many of who (whom?) asked why they weren't available in print.

I was in our local Dollar Tree, looking for a gift bag, when I saw the book, The View from the Bridge - Memories of Star Trek and a Life in Hollywood. Since I'm a big Star Trek fan, and since I love behind-the-scenes stuff, and since the book was only a dollar, I bougt a copy. I'm glad I did. I love reading about how the 2nd Star Trek movie got made and insights into the stars and the writer/director, etc.

I'm happy to say our weather has cooled off a little the last few days. I am so ready for Fall.

Hope all is well in your corner of the world.



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