Mandy's Musings

Ramblings of romance author Madeline Baker/Amanda Ashley

Friday, March 14, 2025


 This is an apology to everyone who has ever left me a comment and didn't get a reply. To tell you the truth, I rarely think to look for comments. If you would like a reply to a question or bookmarks, you can email me at

For all the latest info re my books old and new, visit

Withing you a happy spring.

Recent books:

Forever in Darkness

Shadows of Eternity

Twilight Destiny



Thursday, March 06, 2025


 Not a whole lot going on. Waiting for the publication of TWILIGHT LONGINGS which, hopefully, will be in the next few month.

I've finished THE rough draft of two other books - a stand-alone paranormal titled ALWAYS BY NIGHT and Book 6 in the Twilight Series titled TWILIGHT TRYST. No pub dates for these yet.

I pulled up an old TV series - Moonlight. Don't know if any of you remember or watched it, but it ended abruptly after one season. I really think networks should be required to tie up the loose ends before they end a series.

I don't know what's happened to movies lately, but I can't remember seeing a trailer for anything I wanted to watch, except for the third Top Gun movie. I don't think I've been to the movies more than 3 or 4 times in the last two years.

Hard to believe it's already March! A think we skipped February <G>

Hope life is being good to you!

Friday, December 06, 2024


 Well, here it is, the end of the year already. Amazing! I am so not ready for Christmas!!!

My book, Shadows of Eternity, was finally published. Also amazing, considering how long it took. 

I just got the cover for my next book, TWILIGHT LONGINGS, and I love it. I also love my hero, Rylan Saintcrow. This is the 5th book in the series and if I can come up with a plot, there will be a 6th.

But his wife’s condition isn’t Saintcrow’s only concern. The necromancer he thought long dead has somehow survived and is determined to avenge himself on Saintcrow and Jason Kincaid, the two vampires who tried to destroy him.

To complicate matters still further, Saintcrow’s sire,  who he hasn’t seen since she turned him over nine hundred years ago, has suddenly appeared on the scene, eager to deepen their relationship and threatening to take Kadie’s life if he refuses to do her bidding.

With Kadie’s life in danger, a necromancer seeking revenge, and his sire pursuing him, the future suddenly seems dangerous and uncertain, even for a vampire as old and powerful as Saintcrow.

I love this story! It will be published next year, not sure when.


Friday, September 06, 2024

 Ok, it's time to rant. It's bad enough that you have to use a password to sign on to just about everything and they're all supposed to be different. But now they want to verify it's you with a code, too. Enough already! 

Second rant ~ What happened to all the pretty people who used to do commercials? And speaking of commercials, am I the only one who thinks they're getting longer and more and more stupid? Just tell me the name of the product and what it's supposed to do. Forget all that singing and dancing and stupid little vignettes of people off doing fun and exciting things because they used some skin product. Get real.

Ok, I feel better now <G>

Our weather has been HOT HOT HOT. 110 today. I am ready for Fall.  God bless the man who invented air conditioning. 

My new book, Shadows of Eternity, will be out this month, hopefully on the 9th. Try it, I think you'll like it.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Happy Spring

 Well, I finished the new Morgan Creek book, currently titled TWILGIHT LONGINGS, and I love it. I do believe Rylan Saintcrow is my very favorite hero! Love the story. Have no idea when it will be published but whenever it is, it won't be soon enough.

I hated to see him go, so I started another one. Not sure this one will go anywhere. The heroine is Jenny, the little girl from TWILIGHT DESIRES. Had to come up with a new hero, since Saintcrow is already taken <G>

Hoping to see SHADOWS OF ETERNITY published before the end of the year.

How the time flies. My new puppy will be 2 in September! She's so cute and so much fun, and even though I miss my Lady, my new girl eased the pain of her loss.

Hope life is being good to you.

Saturday, March 23, 2024


 It seems like I've been waiting forever to see Forever in Darkness published! First it was supposed to be pubbed in December, then January, then March 11th. Now the release date is March 25th. I'll believe it when I see it.

April 10th is the pub date for the re-release of one of my older books, Beauty's Beast. Love both of these covers, created by cover expert Cynthia Lucas.

Weather in California has been weird. Rain, sun, rain, sun and then we had a couple of days when the sun was out in one side of the yard and we had dark clouds, rain, and thunder on the other side. You don't see that everyday!

I'm currently working on a new Morgan Creek book and loving it. Rylan Saintcrow is one of my all-time fav heroes. Just can't get enough of him. This will be the 5th book in the series.

To date, I've written over 100 novels and short stories. Not bad for someone who never set out to get published,but started writing just for the fun of it!


Wednesday, February 07, 2024

HAPPY 2024

 Well, here we are, at the start of another new year. Is it just me, or do  they go faster every year?

My new puppy, Roxi, is already a year old!

I feel like I've been waiting forever for two of my books to be published - Forever in Darkness and the re-issue of Beauy's Beast. They were supposed to come out in December and then January and now March.

In the meantime, I finished another book titled Shadows of Eternity. I haven't turned in the manuscript yet. Heaven knows when it will be available! But I love the cover!

It's been raining like crazy here in California for the last 3 or 4 days. Praise the Lord! Today, we have sunshine and blue sky.

Wishing you a great day and a blessed 2024.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

 Well, it's October and it's still hot. Will winter ever come?

Not much happening at the moment. I've finished two books - FOREVER IN DARKNESS and SHADOWS OF ETERNITY - now just waiting for them to be published, along with the reissue of BEAUTY'S BEAST. No pub dates at the moment. Sigh.

My Muse has abandoned me, I'm sorry to say. I don't have I don't have the ghost of an idea for another book.

Happy Fall! Happy Halloween.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Summertime and it's HOT

Well, July is just about gone. Already! I've been writing up a storm, since it's too hot to stay outside for more than a minute!
I finished one book titled FOREVER IN DARKNESS Really like this one, which features a vampyre, an Elf and an evil sorcerer. Here's the cover. I'm hoping to see it published early new year. This is one of my fav covers.

At the moment, I'm working on another book, currently titled SHADOWS OF ETERNITY. Love both of these stories, but then, I love them all.

I got the rights back to one of my older books, BEAUTY'S BEAST. It will be published in a few months. It has a new cover, which is lovely.

Can't wait for winter!

Monday, May 08, 2023

 Well, spring is here and my allergies are raging <G> The weather has been pretty nice, with rain every now and then. But it's getting warmer.

BOHANNON will be published in July. Can't wait.

I just finished a book with an Elf heroine and a vampire hero. I'm really happy with it. Hope it's as good as I think it is. Hoping to see it published by the end of the year, or January at the latest.

Our new Pomeranian puppy is so cute and sweet and cuddly. Funny, how quickly they worm their way into your heart. We named her Roxi but I keep calling her Lady, which was the name of my last Pom. I think I should have just named the new pup Lady 2.

Other than that, not much going on.

Hope life is being good to you.