Mandy's Musings

Ramblings of romance author Madeline Baker/Amanda Ashley

Friday, September 17, 2010


Well, I finally had to break down and buy a new mouse (for my computer, not a real one) today. For the last week or so, the old one has, from time to time, just stopped working for no reason that I can think of. Today, it died, so it was off to Staples for a new one. Bought a new cordless one. Works great. I love new toys!

Received my copies of the Recorded Books audio edition of EVERLASTING KISS. I listened to some of it last night. So strange, to hear my words read out loud. The narrator is very good.

Thought we were done with the hot weather, but it's been warm again the last few days.

17 days until EVERLASTING DESIRE hits store shelves. I can't wait. I love this book.

Hope all is well in your corner of the world.