Edward vs Jacob
I’m re-reading New Moon and wondering why Bella loved Edward. She never really had any fun with him. Oh, sure, she thought he was the most gorgeous thing on the planet and she was fascinated by him, but they never had any fun together, not the way she did with Jake.
She didn’t want to go to the prom, but Edward made her.
She didn’t want a birthday party, but Edward insisted and she got hurt. And then, after she got hurt from something he wanted, he left her.
When he didn’t want her to see Jacob, he had Alice kidnap her.
On the other hand, Jake let Bella be Bella. He respected her feelings and her wishes, he didn’t patronize her, but, most of all, he made her laugh. She was at ease with Jacob, she felt at home with him and his family. He loved her in a much more positive, healthy, human way, whereas Edward is obsessive and controlling.
Edward’s lips are cold, his body is cold, his skin is hard.
Jacob is warm and cuddly, with human emotions.
With apologies to Team Edward, I think she would have been happier with Jacob. Besides, he's smokin' hot