Mandy's Musings

Ramblings of romance author Madeline Baker/Amanda Ashley

Friday, July 27, 2012


I don't watch a lot of TV - but I can't wait for the return of Hawaii 5-0, The Mentalist, Grimm, Once Upon a Time, The Vampire Diaries, Person of Interest, The Middle,  and Hell on Wheels.

I also love Longmire and I'm glad it's being renewed for another season.

I guess I should revise my opening statement. I don't watch a lot of network tv. Mostly, I watch reruns on cable - shows that are timeless - like The Dick Van Dyke Show, M*A*S*H, Cheers, The Andy Griffith Show, and Frasier. These shows had STORIES and actual PLOTS, they weren't just a bunch of suggestive jokes strung together.  Little wonder so many new shows don't last a month, let alone 10 years. It's no secret why the shows I mentioned are still being broadcast. They were about something - about people we cared for.

And then there's I Love Lucy - surely no other show in the history of TV has lasted so long. I don't think it's ever been OFF the air!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Nothing much to say except that my Muse has been AWOL since the end of May. Not sure where she went. Someone said she ran off with Damon from The Vampire Diaries. If that's true, I can't blame her.

However, her departure has left a huge hole in my life.....and lots of free time, which I fill by playing Spider Solitaire - I guess I've lost about half a million games , shopping, and eating. If she doesn't come back soon, I may outgrow all my clothes!!!

More photos from Lassen...........

Cute Chipmunk

Pretty Place

My dog, Lady, had a good time, too.

Hope you're having a wonderful summer!!!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

There's no place like home

So, we took our annual trip to Mount Lassen in Northern CA. It's a beautiful place....billions of trees, lots of deer, lovely rivers and streams filled with trout. Mountains, of course. Even a volcano. And mosquitos. I must have a million bites. OK, I'm exaggerating, but only a little.

Gorgeous lake....

Lots of deer

and Chipmunks

But there's no place like home and I'm glad to be back in the land of hot and cold running water.
Hope you're having a wonderful summer!
