Mandy's Musings

Ramblings of romance author Madeline Baker/Amanda Ashley

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

So, tomorrow is December 1st! The season of giving ~ giving money, that is. It's time to pay property taxes, time to think about getting income tax stuff together, figuring up estimated tax payments...buying Christmas presents is the least expensive part of the month!

I think winter is here! It was cold, cold, cold and windy over this past weekend. I have a Pomeranian who probably weighs 9 pounds soaking wet. I was afraid she was going to blow away! Last time the wind blew like this, two of the trees in my son's backyard fell down. Now, that's windy!

Been doing a little Christmas shopping. No easy task. I have a ton of people to buy presents for. Good thing I love shopping.

Still haven't seen Finding Neverland :(

Bought Spiderman 2 on DVD today. Do you remember when movies didn't come with numbers? Do you remember when Hollywood made movies that were original and didn't remake movies that didn't need remaking, or make movies from TV shows that weren't all that great to begin with? Do you remember when there were decent shows on tv that were actually funny? Do you think we'll ever see the end of reality tv shows? I don't watch them and I wish they would go away!

Insert heavy sigh here.

Okay, time to go and see if my Muse will kick in so I can get some writing done.

Keep smiling :)


Saturday, November 27, 2004

Rain, rain, go away......

Well, it’s a’raining here in sunny California again. Been a gray and gloomy day, not a hint of sunshine anywhere. Can’t say as I’ve done much since Thanksgiving, other than the usual ~ clean house, laundry, go to the store. I did a little writing earlier but I’m really not in the mood. I think my Muse has taken a vacation!

Been watching movies, namely, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" and "The Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Ring". I know the critics all said the third Harry Potter was the best one, but I disagree. I liked the first two much better. The third one just didn’t have the charm and magic of the first two.

As I write this, I’m watching "The Return of the King" ~ well, more like listening to it. The TV is behind me, so I turn around when my favorite parts come on. Looking forward to seeing "Finding Neverland". I had hoped to see it this weekend, but it isn't playing anywhere close by.

Hope you all have a happy Sabbath tomorrow.


Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi ~ Hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving, and that you found the time to thank the good Lord for the blessings that are yours. I have many things to be thankful for this year ~ good health, a lovely new home, my kids and grandkids, the talent God has blessed me with, good friends, a free country…
Hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner….


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Happy Day Before Thanksgiving

I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and thank the good Lord for all the blessings in my life. I hear the ACLU or some other organization wants to take God out of this holiday, too. Of course, if you take God out, you have no reason for the holiday, since the Pilgrims came to this country looking for religious freedom, and the first thanksgiving was held to thank God for the blessings He had bestowed upon them.

Of course, they've already taken Christ out of Christmas...businesses, afraid to offend someone, now paint Happy Holidays on their windows instead of Merry Christmas.

Honestly, I don't understand why the few have the right to dictate to the many. If you don't want to say "under God" in the pledge, then don't say it. If you don't want to pray in school, then don't pray, but why stop those who want to say "under God" and pray in school from doing so?

I can't believe the ACLU objected to the tiny cross that was on the L.A. County seal. So L.A. made a new one, and put a mission on it. Of course, they took the cross off, so you can't tell it's a mission. Someone said it looks like a Wal-Mart.

Honestly, it's time for the silent majority to speak up!!!!!!

Sorry for the rant. I came here to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving, and to say GOD BLESS AMERICA.


Saturday, November 20, 2004

Another Saturday Night....

Well, another week has come and gone. Amazing how fast the year goes by once you get to August. Just a hop, skip and a jump to another new year.

We went to see "National Treasure" today. Other than the fact that I cannot abide Nicholas Cage, who is, in my opinion, the worst actor on the screen today, and the fact that the movie was totally unbelievable from start to finish, I thought it was really good. It was fast, it was fun, it was clean, and had some unexpected laughs.

Am I the only one who thinks there’s very little worth watching on TV these days? About the only shows I watch are "Everybody Loves Raymond" and "Two and a Half Men". Seems like nowadays, everything is "reality tv" which I don’t watch, or sitcoms with lots of sexual inuendoes and no plot, or shows like CSI, which I don’t care for. Yes, I miss the good old days, when sitcoms were amusing without being dirty.

My favorite tv shows seem to be mostly comedies….

The Dick Van Dyke Show
The Andry Griffith Show (only the black and white ones)
Spin City
Two and a Half Men
Family Ties
The Yellow Rose (not sure if that was the title)
Star Trek (the original series only)
I’m sure I’ve missed a few….

And I’m wondering what’s up in Hollywood. Have they run out of original ideas? I see now they’re making a movie out of "Bewitched". Are they going to turn all the old tv shows into movies? Hey, Hollywood, I’ve got 30 westerns and a half-dozen or so vampire books if you’re looking for something new and fresh!!!!!


Friday, November 19, 2004

One of my tortoises. Isn't he cute? Posted by Hello

How the Time Flies

Wowy, I can't believe it's been four days since I last wrote. I haven't done anything really exciting since then....but then, excitement is almost non-existent in my life.

I bought the final season of Frasier (one of my all-time favorite shows) and The Chronicles of Riddick.
Went to lunch with my best friend. Went shopping, of course :)

Went to see the Spongebob movie today. It was cute. My granddaughter loved it!

It's hard to be sure, but I think my turtles are growing.

I finished my work in progress. Of course, it's still about 3,000 words short, but I've put it aside for awhile. Will go back later and see if my Muse comes up with those missing words.

Christmas is creeping up way too fast! I can't believe it's almost 2005. Seems like just yesterday we were all wondering if the world would end or all the computers would crash and burn when the year turned to 2000.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Monday, November 15, 2004

Is it Monday Already?

Monday, Monday....again? Already? Geez, time goes by fast!

I went Christmas shoppping again...I guess you've figured out by now that I love to shop.

Looking forward to buying The Chronicles of Riddick on DVD tomorrow. Also the final season of Frasier.

I'm back at work on my vamp book....I'm making progress...only 3200 words to go :) I will be soooooo glad when this book is finished!

Guess I'd better get back to work!

Have a great week.


Sunday, November 14, 2004

Saturday's Child Revisited

Well, another Saturday has come and gone.

Went to see The Incredibles again. I love that movie! And the Star Wars preview, of course :)

A fan of mine emailed me to let me know that someone is selling one of my old books on ebay for ~ are you ready? TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!

Pulled out one of my old unfinished manuscripts and did a little work on it.

Spent a few minutes watching my turtles eat. Does that tell you how exciting my life is??????

I really need to find something exciting to write about...even if I have to make it up!


Thursday, November 11, 2004

This and That

Well, it is a cold and gray day here in Sunny Southern California.

But life is good. My book, STROKE OF MIDNIGHT, is #2 on the Waldenbooks bestseller list and #25 on the New York Times extended list. Yes, I am happy, happy, happy!

As for my current work-in-progress, no matter how much I seem to write on that sucker, I always come up short on the word count! I don't think this book is ever going to end!!!!

I went to Target today. I have to admit, it's my favorite store. Did some Christmas shopping. Bought a few things for myself, of course. I know, I know, but I just can't help it. I'm a big Star Wars fan, and they always have something new. I've been collecting the Galactic Heroes figures...they're so darn cute. I picked up two sets today! I didn't go there with that intent, but my feet just automatically turned down the action figure aisle, honest! Bought Dances with Wolves on DVD, even though I have it on video. I mean, how can you pass up a great movie that's selling for $7.50? Right, neither could I.

Thinking about going to see The Incredibles again on Saturday, even though I've already seen it twice. I just love that movie, especially Edna! As far as I'm concerned, she stole the show!

Hope ya'll have a great weekend!


Monday, November 08, 2004

Monday, Monday....

You won’t believe this….my son and I went to the show tonight just to see the preview of Star Wars III. It wasn’t shown in the theater in the multiplex we went to the other night, so my son complained to the manager and they gave him 3 free passes, which we used to see the preview tonight. Of course, it was worth it. I am soooooo looking forward to this movie. And to the Phantom of the Opera. And Neverland. And the sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean.

Let's see, what did I do today? Went to Sears, bought a few Christmas presents. Did a little writing on my work-in-progress. Did a few loads of laundry. Saw the Star Wars preview was the hightlight of the day, no doubt about it.

Oh, haven't mentioned my turtles lately. They are so cute. And certainly the easiest pets to take care of. A little lettuce, a few rose petals, and they're happy. Did I mention how cute they are ?

Going out to lunch with a friend tomorrow. Always fun.


Sunday, November 07, 2004


Well, it looks like I’ve missed a couple of days. Not much to write about. We went to see The Incredibles and it was, indeed, incredible. Very clever, very funny. Saw it twice, in fact. We also saw the preview for Star Wars III. OHMYGOSH, I am so excited about this movie. When I heard Darth Vader’s voice, it gave me chills. He’s always been my favorite character. I’ll buy anything that has to do with him - plates, dolls, toys, posters, you name it, I’ll buy it.

Speaking of Darth Vader, I always thought it was a HUGE mistake to show his face. It ruined all the mystery. And then, if they had to show his face, why didn’t they at least make him sort of scary looking? Every time I see him, I just think he looks like an old man who dipped his head in flour. George, it was a big mistake!!!!

Looks like it might rain today…which is okay with me, since I love the rain.

Great news, my book, Stroke of Midnight, is #10 on the Waldenbooks bestseller list! YIPPEE!!!!

Hope you're having a wonderful Sabbath day.


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Day After the Big Day

Finally, it's over, it's done. Hallelujah!

It was a beautiful, clear, sunny day in the great state of California! I did 2 of my favorite things ~ took my grandkids to lunch and went shopping. Bought some more Christmas gifts, and a few presents for Mandy.

OH! My book, Stroke of Midnight is in stores now. Please be sure to buy 20 or 30 copies Great Christmas gifts, you know :) It's #10 on the Waldenbook bestseller list. I bought a copy. Just couldn't resist. I also bought a copy of The Sinister Pig by Tony Hillerman. I love his books.

Oh, that reminds me of LISTS....

Favorite authors, in no particular order:

Jim Butcher
Maggie Shayne
Ronda Thompson
Kathleen Eagle
Charlaine Harris
Karen Robards
Anne Stuart
J.K. Rowling
Tony Hillerman, of course

If you don't have anything else to do, please visit Mandy's Madhouse

Monday, November 01, 2004

The Day Before the Big Day

Well, November blew in late last night and blew all day today. Trash cans rolling, trees falling, yes, it was WINDY HERE TODAY.

I braved the weather and did a little Christmas shopping, for others and, yes, even for me! I bought a couple of Christmas decorations and a couple of Star Wars Galatic Heroes.

I did some writing on my work in progress...still need 15,000 words....sheesh!

Don't forget to VOTE!
